2 0 Q u e s t i o n s - C o u p l e S t y l e
H e y B r i d e !
We know. This almost seems like one of those Seventeen magazine quizzes that tries to tell you what kind of person you should be with. Well, thankfully you already found your person and that’s not what this questionnaire is about!
One of the key things for us as your wedding videographers is to know who you are before we film. We want to know your likes, your dislikes, the things that are important to you, your quirks, life/death choices you must make like “Cake or pie?”, and what has brought you both together. These are the details that we care so much about because we want to tell your story in the best way possible.
Each question is optional, but the more you answer, the more you help us out in making your video AMAZING!
Have fun with it and don’t stress at all! This is just a fun way for you to take a break from the wedding planning grind and a SUPER helpful way for us to tell your story better!