Ava & Tyler Reese

9 / 2 /2023

Mr. & Mrs. Reese,

Is it still weird to have that new last name Ava??!

You guys, it was such an honor and privilege to get to document your wedding day. It means so much more to us when we’re friends with the people committing their lives to each other. Such a cool thing to witness.

We are also so thankful for your guys’s patience with us as we had such a crazy hectic fall and holiday season wrapping up weddings and getting the house ready to live in. We know you understand…haha We can’t wait to have you guys over!!

Congratulations again and again!!! We are so happy for you guys and pray that the Lord reveals through your love for each other just how much He loves and cares for you. We pray that God uses you both to lead people to know Him and that you would feel so so blessed in your marriage by each other.

We love you guys!!! 🤍


Tim & Andrea Schwan


For the best viewing experience, make sure the quality is set at 1080pHD!

(Click on the little gear box in the bottom right corner👍🏼)



Youtube Links for Easy Sharing:

A Couple Notes:

  • If you have any trouble downloading the films, please reach out to us and we would be happy to walk you through it!

  • You will be receiving a flash drive in the mail with these films plus any other Add-Ons to your custom package!

  • Most Add-Ons are still available for you to add to your custom package, so if you think you would like to add something you didn’t already have (FOMO Edit, Toasts Edit, etc.), you still can! Don’t hesitate to ask!!