Wedding Weekend on Fire
This weekend was on fire. I mean both figuratively and literally (you will find out later).
As we headed out on Friday morning for this weekend we already knew was going to be amazing—we had been talking about it since we knew we were going to do this—we had no idea what kind of a two day trip we were in for. (As I type this I can hardly imagine it was only two days. It almost feels like it’s been a week since I’ve sat in our dining room/bedroom/kitchen/living room chair (we live in a studio apartment). I mean that in the best way possible.)
I don’t even know where to begin to tell this story of the beautiful couple, Ben and Erin, and their family we got to be a part of this weekend. With what I lack in words, I hope our film will make up in storytelling to fill in the gaps.
Ben and Erin are two individuals who genuinely love people. They never want anyone to feel left out, are always encouraging, extremely kind, always finding a way to make you laugh, and want everyone to have as good a time as they are having. On their own, they are magnets to the people that surround them. Everyone wants to be their friend, and everyone wants to be a part of the fun they are having. Put two individuals with those qualities together and you get fire. A burning flame that is so warm, it spreads through everyone nearby. Their love for people and the Lord compels others to love. Who wouldn’t love to film a wedding where this atmosphere is this alive and glowing?
If there was only one word I could use to describe the wedding this weekend, it would be fire. Fire in so many ways:
Fire in the passion Ben and Erin have for one another.
Fire in the fact that this location was amazingly beautiful and perfect for the wedding.
Fire in the fantastic weather that we had despite the forecast that projected for nonexistent rain.
Fire in the way that this family partied was seriously how it should be done every time!
Fire in the absolute genuineness of this couple and their love for each other and everyone there.
Fire in the only way to describe how excited we were while filming because we knew everything they were doing would result in an amazing story to be told!
Fire in the final word of their recessional song, “Worlds on Fire.”
And…Fire because the smoke grenade went rogue while we were filming Ben and Erin, resulting in a hilarious moment of confusion, adrenaline, laughter, and surprise footage of this unexpected event.
Needless to say, we can wrap up this weekend with that single word for many reasons.
We can’t wait to share this video! Stay tuned!
About the Biz
- Apr 8, 2020 When You Realize It
- Oct 14, 2019 Why do a "Styled Shoot?"
- Sep 17, 2019 Community is Key!
- Sep 9, 2019 What are "Same Day Edits?"
- Aug 26, 2019 Gear Doesn’t Matter
- Aug 7, 2019 Why the Highlight?
- Jun 25, 2019 Why Are We Barefoot?
TimAndrea Life
- Sep 2, 2019 Never Board on Weekends Off
- Aug 19, 2019 Braggin' on the Best
- Jul 22, 2019 Spontaneity and Sacrifice
Wedding Tips
- Dec 31, 2019 Pros/Cons of Destination Weddings
- Dec 31, 2019 Color of the Year - Will it Influence Your Wedding?
- Jul 15, 2019 Jamaican Me want to Film a Destination Wedding
- Jul 1, 2019 Wedding Weekend on Fire