Barefoot Films

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What are "Same Day Edits?"

Pro Tip : Never pass up photo booths.

This weekend Tim and I both realized something. We were able to add yet another thing to the long list of reasons why we love what we do.

The wedding this weekend was, in one word, incredible. From the weather, to the venue, to the couple, to the surprises, to the “dinner” menu (which was actually breakfast food), and the photographer and other vendors we worked with! It was an extremely long day—but SUCH a good one. So many things went on throughout the day that made us super pumped for this highlight video we will deliver to Chase and Kylie, the new Mr. and Mrs as of September 7th. However, we did not want to wait. We wanted to give them something to see that very night, so they could really know just how amazing their day had been and see the beauty of the love they share for one another on camera.

So, while hustling and bustling between bride prep shots, groomsmen hanging out shots, the ceremony, and reception surprises (stay tuned), Tim and I made sure we marked what we considered the best shots from the day on our cameras.

During the reception dinner, Tim started uploading some of these favorites onto his Big Mac (side story: when Tim got his slightly larger MacBook Pro, he gave me his MacBook Air and the two were soon named Big Mac and Little Mac), taking a quick break to finish eating.

Through the reception, I (Andrea) danced along to “YMCA” with my camera and got a lot of dance party shots while Tim worked extremely fast and hard to complete the Same Day Edit one-minute film to show the couple before the lights dimmed and the music stopped. I took a quick break from “Cupid Shuffling” and turned the corner of the barn venue to see Tim listening intently with summer earmuffs over his head (the word we use when referring to “headphones”) and making quick tweaks to perfect this film.

There are many things I will remember from this amazing wedding day. However, there are two things that I know I will absolutely never forget.

The first thing was when Tim handed me the headphones and the “Big Mac” for me to watch the creation he pieced together from our shots of the day. I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear as I watched it and even start to tear up a little bit. It might sound weird to some people for us to go so crazy over a one minute film of a couple we just met, however, there is so much emotion and excitement that comes from the whole process that goes into making something like this. Watching this film Tim created made me so incredibly proud of him and made me realize just how much I love this job that allows me to work with him and allows the two of us to have so much fun together.

The second thing is showing the couple, Chase and Kylie, the film. Kylie teared up as she watched the film and was amazed that while everything was going on, Tim managed to sneak away to make this for them. She was so extremely excited and grateful, which totally made me tear up and feel just so full inside. Then, Chase watched the film. He too teared up as he listened to his words of love to Kylie being spoken by the pastor come through the headphones as the camera rolled on through significant parts of their day. He was so thankful to us and gave such an emotional response that evoked more tears from my eyes and more sense of fullness in my heart.

This is why we do what we do. This is what we love. This is why we are Barefoot Films.

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