Spontaneity and Sacrifice
Believe it or not, this photo was taken after knowing each other for less than a month. This was one of our first times hanging out, and Andrea, was thrilled when Tim asked her if she wanted to go on a hike/photoshoot with him the morning this photo was taken. From the first time Andrea bought her digital Polaroid camera, to the moment she splurged to buy a used DSLR, she was in love with photography. It had been her dream to pursue wedding photography in the future or, like every adventurous aspiring photographer’s dream, to become a National Geographic photographer. Either way, the thought of making a trip to practice her creativity and camera skills sounded like an appealing way to spend a cold wintry day to escape the lazy monotony of normal indoor comforts.
We hiked the trails of Swine Creek and suffered through posing without our jackets to allow the other to make the picture in their mind come to life. It was insanely fun, but also insanely freezing. The whole experience gave Andrea a feeling of excitement as she got to know Tim more and the precision with which he takes his pictures, making sure everything is in line and allowing her sit in the snow an extra couple minutes to make sure everything looks right. That’s where the sacrifice came in. Andrea learned that for love, you must be willing to sacrifice. And so, in 25 degree weather, she agreed to laying in the snow, no jacket--just the cold, melting snow against her body temperature back. The hot chocolate she craved couldn’t come sooner. However, it was in this moment when she realized what this exhilarating life with Tim might look like should this relationship go on forever. It was going to be an adventure no matter what. There would be spontaneity. There would be cameras involved (WOOP WOOP!). There would be sacrifices made on both ends. And there would be the two of us, spurring one another on towards the things we love to do.
Who would have thunk so many feelings, thoughts, and memories could arise from a cold wintry morning?